Graphics and image making continue to seep into my physical practice as ways of grounding, processing and worlding the material I sit with. Each process produces different byproducts of the research into writing drawins and graphics. 

3 Fictions and 3 drawings. 2024.
Developed as part of MFA graduation publication. 

Stepping in | Spilling Out. 2023. A3 Riso-print. 
Participation documentation.

This documentations weaves together imagery, reference points with the various interactions a I made through invitations to ‘step with me’ as a way to discuss and share the multitude of ways we step; together, alone, with and for other people, things and ideas. 

The Dwellers Notebook. 2023. 

Speculative fiction written as part of the development of the performance of the same name. 

Link to full PDF here