A Boy stands...(Cartographies)

...(Cartographies) is an exhibition of my continuing research project A Boy stands in for a rock or vice versa, exploring the inter-relations of the performing body and sculpture.This exhibition examines how touch and its resonance act as a visual gesture and as an integral aspect of making. Interrogating how as viewers we select and hold onto certain images through the duration of a performance.

The sculptural assemblages present were created through the collaboration of invited guests; poet Iain Morrison and design researcher Neslihan Tepehan, to witness excerpts of the performance installation A Boy stands...The guests were asked to carry out two tasks; firstly to choose a part of the performers body during the movement score to cast with medical thermoplastic. They were then asked to respond to a form asking for details of the cast made. After the cast was placed the performers continued their score, taking into account the material’s qualities such as heat to affect their interpretation.

Working with sculptural forms as a process to manifest moments lost or mark the viewers distance from the lived experience, the remaining sculptures and texts form a plural subjective voice, or fragments of multiple experiences.Through these invitations there is an attempt to preserve some materiality of the collective experience, a phenomenon not integral to performance but one that enables the work to extend its reach beyond limits of the work’s temporal nature.

Works exhibited:
(Cartographies) HD video. 7.18 mins.
Excerpts (Selected by Iain and Nesli) 7 Medical thermoplastic strips. Various sizes.
Excerpt Reports 1-3 A4 laserjet print, hand out multiple copies.
Kinships (a study) SD video. 10.08 mins.
Collisions. Colliding. Performance (1.12.17) 15 mins. (approx.)

Link to (Cartographies) video.

This exhibition was supported by Basic Mountain and Edinburgh Visual Arts Awards 2017.